
About SECP

Multicare Valley Hospital

SECP was founded in 2019 with the goal of promoting excellence in patient care, by emergency care providers invested in the local community. The group benefits from partnership with Tacoma Emergency Care Physicians and Washington Emergency Care Physicians, bringing over 4 decades of local emergency medicine experience. The unique business model allows operational and healthcare decisions to be made by those who practice medicine on a daily basis. While SECP is a new company to the Spokane area, the physicians and APPs are not. Many partners in the team have been caring for patients in the greater Spokane area for several decades, bringing with them a strong commitment to patient-centered outcomes.


Benjamin Preiss, DO


Kevin Innes DO
Leadership Council Member
Judd Shelton-DO
Assistant Medical Director at Deaconess North FSED
Ashlee Weimar
Leadership Council
Kaleb Topp, MD
Assistant Medical Director for Valley ER
Jared Heal, DO
Valley Medical Director


Heather Strosahl
Heather Strosahl
Practice Manager
Skyler LeBlanc
WECP Accountant
Wende Younger